We’ve read a lot about self-taught blogger photographers. A good eye and an even better camera can work wonders for anyone seeking to fill their online publishing ventures with original photographic material. Scott ‘The Sartorialist’ Schuman, Tommy ‘Jak & Jil’ Ton and Todd ‘The Selby’ Selby three great cases in point. But multitasking mainstream fashion editors or journalists? Not quite so common (and as frockwriter can attest, we’re not that welcome in the blogosphere. Something to do with the sentiment that we’ve somehow cheated our way to a profile that the ‘grassroots’ blogging crew have had to build from scratch). Sydneysiders would know the name Prue Lewington from her weekend fashion musings in The Sunday Telegraph. But who knew that she could also take a decent photo? Also self-taught, Lewington has been shooting in her spare time for the past three years and her work has been published in The Sunday Telegraph and elle.com. Tonight her first exhibition opens at the Kit & Kaboodle Stairwell Gallery in Sydney's Kings Cross.
To be fair to Lewington, she brings more international chops to the Australian fashion reporting table than most - including journalists and bloggers.
She interned in the fashion department at US
Harpers Bazaar before moving on to assist New York superstylist Patricia Field on
Sex And The City. She then worked as an editorial manager at
Nylon magazine, a Sunday stylist at
The New York Post and finally, as the style editor of
The New York Daily News.
Here is a selection of images from Lewington’s website, taken in Sydney, New York and Argentina, some of which will be offered for sale tonight at the Stairwell Gallery. In addition to two of her hitherto unseen portraits: British model Jacquetta Wheeler (above) and a rather forlorn-looking Elle Halliwell (second from the bottom).
Snapped in an abandoned café, flanked by a solitary, empty bottle of vino, Lewington's Sunday Telegraph fashion colleague stares off into the distance – perhaps contemplating the uncertain future of print.
all images: prue lewington